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Capital Guaranteed Funds

Fast, new and creative investment tools for the new age

Investment Instruments Aiming at High Return without Fearing to Lose the Capital

Capital Guaranteed Mutual Funds give investors the chance to share the return of different investment instruments in an environment where the capital of the investors is protected.

Sale of Capital Guaranteed Mutual Funds is performed via public offering in certain periods.

The funds generally have maturity for 6 months and longer. The fund cannot be traded after public offering period. Exit from the fund is possible under certain conditions.

If you look for different investment alternatives from which you can have high return in TRY without taking risk of loss from the capital, QNB Capital Guaranteed Fund is just for you.

We invite you to the nearest QNB  Branch in order that you can have detailed information on the funds.

Capital Guarantee Funds That We Offer For Sale To Public

Please find detailed information about our capital guarantee funds here.