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Treasury Bills And Government Bonds

For your investments Government (T.C. Treasury) Securities

They are debt securities issued by Republic of Turkey Treasury in TRY or foreign currency; and medium and long term investment instruments enabling you for valuing your money.

You can invest for medium and long terms with Government Bond and Treasury Bill. Besides, you can turn these investment instruments into cash without waiting for maturity date; thus, you can use alternative investment opportunities that can occur in the markets.

Treasury Bill and Government Bond are debt instruments; former with a term shorter than a year and latter with a term longer.

Advantages of Treasury Bill / Government Bond

You can have high return determined beforehand with Treasury Bill and Government Bond.

You can sell and turn into cash these investment instruments, which have fixed income and under government guarantee, without waiting for end of maturity.

You can purchase Treasury Bills and Government Bonds in accordance with the maturity you prefer from all QNB  Branches and Internet Branch.

How Are Treasury Bills/Government Bonds Traded?

All QNB  Branches, Internet Branch